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Erin Goulet Talks Creating Wild Wild Yogis and More

The creator, Erin Goulet, of the newest comedy at BTV Digital Studios talks personally on her motivation behind writing a social media satire.

Goulet, who also stars in the series, let us in on how she came around to putting pen to paper on the hit comedy "Wild Wild Yogis." She said, "I got this idea based on how people praised an influencer I followed and then cancelled her for being out of touch. Cancel culture is fascinating, and people are fickle about what they find acceptable." Cancel culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles; either online on social media. The culture quickly bleeds into the real world, and often punishes an individual's occupation or livelihood, based on actions found disrespectful to a marginalized group of people.

She continued, "When the social climate changes they are very quick to call others out for things that they too found acceptable only months prior." Those who are subject to this ostracism are said to be canceled.

"Being on set and actually bringing (Wild Wild Yogis) to life was a lot of work. I had so much fun playing Hallie, and we are all just grateful we ended up hiring a port-a-potty company instead of changing the toilet ourselves." She laughed.

Goulet also gave a shout to her supportive team at Thursday Afternoon Films. "We all met in acting class at Playhouse West and have been consistently creating together for over three year." She admitted.

Goulet on Set for Wild Wild Yogis

Most recently, the Wild Wild Yogis series hit over 10K views on their premiere episode. When asked about it, Goulet said, "I'm excited that we hit 10k with our pilot episode. I’m looking forward to expanding our audience even more through the festival circuit and syndication." BTV Insider can confirm the show will first syndicate on Facebook Watch and Instagram "IGTV."

Watch the premiere right here.

As a writer, it's always an interesting difference to watch your concept live on and off the page. "My favorite moment on paper was definitely the Guru rebirthing himself from the cave in the pilot episode." She went on to confess that her favorite moment on-screen was in episode four "when the Guru cleanses Franki, and Hallie is too self-centered to see Franki literally having an orgasm in the background of her story." Goulet brings forth a world that is quite unorthodox, filled with cannabis' loving characters that you can't help but laugh at.

Wild Wild Yogis Official Poster

Are you curious what the next step might be fore the Yogi team? Goulet mentions Netflix, Hulu and FX saying "(we) are developing a half-hour version of the series where we will get to see a lot more about the lives of the influencers." When we reached out to Andrew Young, Head of Scripted content at BTV, he added they're looking to shop the show to some of the longer form networks they've been building quality relationships with. "It's out of the box. We hope our network reps appreciate the unique world as much as we did sharing it." He said.

Goulet said "You will just have to wait and see" when we asked about a season two. "I can tell you that the influencers are from the selfie generation, and they are not ready to give up the spotlight just yet."

When we set the focus on her and her next moves in Hollywood, Goulet said, "I’m going to keep creating, acting and watching too much TV. I also have a secret project I am working on that I’m very excited about." She certainly peeked our interest there, but she just smiled, holding anymore insider information from us. Don't worry readers, we will get to the bottom of more Goulet originals as soon as we can.

She told us she would love to work on more BTV projects, telling us "the thought of actually getting to be on set around other humans again is a dream to me." Goulet. of course, was referring to the quarantine effects COVID-19 has had on Hollywood; and on her. When we asked Goulet what she had been up to during the lockdown, she said, she had been watching her "favorite TV shows, reading Judy Blume books, and listening to podcasts." She went on to admit she "also joined Tiktok and got hooked."

Stay tuned as we get to the bottom of Goulet's "super secret" project and keep Yogi fans updated on if and/or when there will be a second season.



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