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Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

After a fun trip to Orange County and a Thanksgiving full of food, friends and memories, my heart is full.

In Orange County, Justin and I went down to #getaway with my friend Sam. My best friend and the producer of our escapades on this series, Joel, joined us too.

Sam's parents live in a beautiful home down there, located in a nice secluded neighborhood. Though it doesn't have the best phone service, it's kind of nice to unplug and be one with the people you're with.

The first night we had gourmet burgers. It was some seriously yummy stuff. We drank, caught up and jumped in the hot tub for some late night chats. It was a relaxing time. We ended it with some board games and goat cheese.

The second day we woke up and had an early morning brunch. It was all home cooked, right in their beautiful backyard. We jumped back in the hot tub and watching a movie (yes, watched a movie in the hot tub). I'm a princess, I guess. Joel came down mid-day and he brought my little children.

A reminder that these are my children.

They probably had more fun than we did. Think about it for a second. They were able to run around a huge yard, meet two new dogs and play all day long? It was like their very own Disneyland.

The second night we went to an escape room. It was one of the wildest experiences. So I had never been before, and it took all 7 of us that went to get out of there in time. It was a CSI Hollywood theme and we had to solve a kidnapping in 1 hour. Did we do it? You bet your bottom dollar, child. When we got back, more cocktails and hot tub time, as we reminisced on our quick wit at the escape room. I am still so proud of escaping in time. What a rush!

The final day we had another home-cooked brunch and talked about how we were all going to get Disney passes when it opens back up next year. I love Sam and her family, what a fun trip.

I invited Demetre and Rachel over to the house to talk about the Halloween invitation scandal. LOL! We're all good now, and we voiced opinions on how we all felt. I think it's important to feel a mutual love all the way, knowing you're a priority in someone's life. Rachel seemed to understand. We chatted a bit about my friend Matt Sarafa, who is likely coming on our next trip. A few are worried he may be a little bouji for their taste. I think he's the perfect amount of class and sass.

Rachel and Justin chatted a little about their friend Zaira. I do know Zaira, but there are two different stories I'm getting from both girls. They were both friends before they even met Justin - so there's history. Like any relationship that means anything and comes to an end, I think it would benefit them having a conversation together. Justin even offered to mediate because it's really an awkward place for him to be in.

I've started to plan our next #getaway trip with everybody. I just hope it doesn't pan out the way the Vegas trip did. I am inviting a few friends who I didn't invite on the Vegas trip, mixing up the group, and really getting back to my roots. It's all about having vacations made of good times and good memories! Leave that extra baggage at home ladies and gays.

Finally, we celebrated Thanksgiving to end this week. It was so interesting with all of the COVID precautions and limitations set by our Governor. We all want to be safe, but sometimes it's hard being antisocial on a very personable and socially driven holiday; however, we have to be safe.

So this year, we made Thanksgiving a more exclusive experience.

I celebrated over at Jeanette and Ava's to give thanks. We ate so much. Can somebody say food coma? I can. FOOD. COMA. It was a nice time, just more private than all of my Thanksgivings in the past.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm so looking forward to Christmas.

With love,



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