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Hola my loves and welcome back.

This year has started off just as I hoped. Everyone is working on themselves.

We are all getting back to what's really important. Whether its working on ourselves, our relationships, and our businesses...

We are really doing it y'all and IT SHOWS!

So many things are happening this year and I'm so excited to share them with everyone. One thing is for sure, this is only the beginning.

Now let's talk about the daughter of an immigrant.

I gave this it's own moment in my blog because of how much this meant to me. Not only has a woman of color become the Vice President of the United States, but a fellow #Latina woman of color has officially sworn in.

As I watched Kamala recite her oath, I cried. I cried tears of joy! So many tears for the women before me that fought in order for this to happen. Although they said that women could become anything... you didn't actually see it.

I finally saw it. Kamala did it.

Then to have one of my personal hero's, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, swear her in?! It was EVERYTHING to me. I saw #REPRESENTATION, I saw #FEMINISM and I saw #STRENGTH. I thought of my nieces and all those little girls watching, each of them knowing that they too could be where she is now. We have shattered that glass ceiling that, for so long, has stood above us.

I can and I will. This is only the beginning and I am glad to have been able to witness it. Now watch me follow in her footsteps.

So let's make sure you're staying up to date with our blogs because with the way things go around here, you never know who might be in collaborating with who.


Until next time.



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