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Kasi Holifield is Evolving Following Breakup

Everyone loves a happy ending, but sometimes it's not always the ending you're expecting. Kasi Holifield has been going through ups and downs during filming of The Getaway Los Angeles' first season.

Kasi Holifield confessional interview on The Getaway Los Angeles TGLA on BTV Brandon Tv.
Kasi Holifield in The Getaway Los Angeles, TGLA

Creator and producer of the series, Joel Parent, commented on the choice to cast Kasi in the first season, "Kasi brings energy to the show. She is full of positivity and love. She lifts you up even when she's going through her own trials and tribulations."

Though Kasi appears to be a possible fan-favorite, she goes through many ups and downs on the show. One of those include seperating with her ex-boyfriend, who she tried to work things out with time and time again. Parent mentioned her relationship takes a leading role during the opening of the series. #TGLA started shooting almost 6 months ago, so lots of time has passed since production spent their first day with Kasi.

Online, Kasi seems to be happy and thriving now.

Frequent posts on Instagram that show us a more authentic smile, prove that. The new year has done a great deal of healing for many, and we think Kasi may be one of those people. She posted on her blog recently, "My biggest New Years Resolution was that I've been trying really hard not to drink. It's been 2 weeks with no alcohol." That was a few weeks ago.

Then she went on to post, "Im staying away from social settings right now. My friends are wanting to see me and I'd love to, but it's just not the right time for me right now."

Kasi titled her blog was "Happy New Years and a Happy New Body." She went on to explain more about cutting alcohol out of her diet and surrounding herself with her business. "Focusing on me will build a better version of myself...and I don't need the alcohol for this new me."

We support your mental health and your success, Kasi.

Look out for Kasi when #TGLA premieres this Summer on BTV.



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