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A Liar AND A trip

Writer: Monique MartinMonique Martin

Soo... Vegas was mentally exhausting. This was not a vacation it was a sh#t show. I'm so glad I took my family along for this - they keep me sane.

On the first day in Vegas things started to unfold right after dinner. Don't get me wrong, the dinner was nice - it's what was being said at the other table that got things in motion.

Apparently, there was talk of how much camera time the cast was not getting. All while they paid for expensive meals to make it look good...

šŸ˜ Look here...

I got the same meal I would have bought that night with or without a camera on me. This is my reality, I don't fake 'ish for anyone. Sorry, I got camera time.

But let's fast forward, remember I mentioned that convo that needed to take place because my name was dragged into some bullshit well...

It was had. Of course Sev apologized, because thats the only thing he does best. Any who - he is going on about how he knew I didn't say anything to Alitalia about the "call girl" thing. He told me it was Brandon or Joel (producer). Mmmm really!?!

Later on that night, here goes Sev in some more 'ish with Joel (again, a producer). šŸ˜©

Now why does he have to push buttons? THINGS GOT HEATED OFF SCREEN. Real fast. What happened you ask. It'll come out, Trust and believe.

After that incident is over, I gave Brandon a call to let him know what just happened, because he should have been here. Well Brandon tells me he know what happened already because he received a call from WHO??? Yup you guessed it... Sev šŸ¤£

Now here is when my name is in his mouth, once again, with another lie. Mind you, he just apologized to me not even 30 mins earlier. Brandon asked me if I said something about his brother... ummm no!!! I don't even know his brother.

Mom and I

Cut ahead to the final day:

Brandon surprised the group at Kasi's surprise b-day party on the last night. Myself, Cliff & my mom cooked dinner to make this special for Kasi. Oh, this was Cliff's idea by the way - and we all came together to make it happen.

Thanks Cliff šŸ˜™

Later in the night, Brandon brought Sev and I together for a talking... hunnie let me tell you! It was a whole yelling match.

He pushed every damn button in my soul, so I took everything that was built up in me, and let off some canons. What canons? From the Versace shirt, (cough, cough) which he got from H&M, all the way down to the fake lifestyle. We didn't catch any of it on camera though because Sev didn't want the cameras rolling during that conversation... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

I'm just tired of it, and as you can guess, there was no resolution to our issue.

This trip showed me just what I already knew... tune in to see if this group will stop accepting the fake apologies. I'm tired of everyone putting a bandaid on the bullshit and 'twerking in harmony.'

On to some fun... Marleen is having a Halloween party kinda excited about it.

Until our next #Getaway āœŒšŸ¾šŸ’‹

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