Times are changing my loves. Summertime has come and gone, while the crisp fall weather is here to stay. Life has me living a mile a minute and for that I am thankful.
Now lets dig into something I've been wanting to talk about for a while.

Many of you met me as Sev's friend or sidekick but honey....I am side to no one.
So I want to retrace my steps back a bit a clear something up really quick. Back in Vegas, when the fight broke out at the Aria, someone in their blog stated that Sev and I left as quick as we came in. What they failed to mention was that I wasn't leaving the hotel with Sev, but actually I was leaving with Kasi and her friend to go get a bottle. The fight broke out - and yes. I made sure my friend (Sev) was okay. I simply knew after the fight occurred, I had to be there for him. So I left with him then. Now that I've cleared that up, lets get to talking.
Well, I am many things. I am a Daughter, a sister, an auntie, and a friend. I am a proud first generation Latina. Mexicana de corazon! When society tries to box me in, I branch out. I am a #SantaAna girl and very proud of it. I am not your typical Mexican daughter. No shame in my game. I don't fake the funk and what you see is what you get.
Dia De los Muertos is quickly approaching and this week will be nothing short of chaotic as I will be the 'hostess with the mostess.' Dia de los muertos is a day to remember and honor the people that are no longer with us. I am ready to let all of my friends into this tradition, while also celebrating the fun of All hallows eve. With that being said, I hope you all stay safe and have fun in whatever your halloween or dia de los muertos tradition is.

Pictured is my niece, Lyah, holding a picture or her great grandmother Virginia. They never had the chance to meet, but thanks to our traditions, she will always be remembered.
Por siempre Nana.
Untill next semana my loves!