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On the Move

Hello beautiful people! Today's blog is brought to you by patience, saying yes, and minding your business.

I cleared up a few issues that prompted last week's spicy blog post.

Cliff and I spoke and his blog section referring to me and Marlene's friendship. It was actually directed at Mar and was just a very dramatic way to keep each other in check.

It was also brought to my attention by Demetre that there may have been shade thrown towards me and Lusso Vitale at a dinner in Big Bear.

I called Brandon, Justin and Marlene separately to get their accounts. They said it was a constructive conversation... .which I then relayed back to Demetre.

I explained to everyone, that if my name is ever mentioned negatively, just stick up for me. Also, make sure info is passed along accurately. When in doubt, keep my name out cha mouth! JKJK praises are always welcome LOL

Anywhooo, we're ALL good.

Now, let's talk about ME. Last weekend I had my FIRST music video feature!

My best friend, Rebekah Leyva, is the Production Manager at a boutique film studio, Liberium Visions. She invited me to portray a CEO and Queen in her upcoming video, befitting right! The answer was YES before she could even start her sentence.

Rebekah has worked on some major projects including the feature film, Canal Street, so I know anything she touches is pure gold (like her heart).

We filmed at Riverside Studios for two, 12 hour days but time honestly flew by. Everyone brought such good vibes and professionalism. Director, Chris Love, and the spoken word artist, Andre Gibson, were so spot on with giving direction. It was easy to convey what they were asking.

I must accredit that filming for The Getaway: LA, and taking more content photos of myself, has boosted my comfortability in front of the camera! I absolutely can't wait to share more info about the video with you! It should be released by the first week of Feb, so I'll keep everyone updated on here and on social media.

Quick plug! I've made it to the TOP 10 of the Miss Jet Set competition! I honestly didn't know there would be so many rounds! Thank you all so much for voting for me every single day, I know it's a lot, but it's appreciated!

I'm praying that I win, so that I can properly fund my business. It's been all me thus far, so $50k could be life changing.

I'm so proud of myself and where I've come so far with Lusso Vitale.

I may get wrapped in the weeds of wanting growth, but I really do have to revel in the progress. This is literally getting what I asked for! I currently have 20+ micro influencers promoting my lashes and nails, which relieves me from the social media time commitment.

I've found a location to sell my 1,200 nail inventory in person: Leimert Park in South LA.

Every step I take is huge, because I'm DOING. All things come in time, but not necessarily YOUR time.

You just have to stay diligent and be open to every opportunity.

Catch ya next week with more updates :)


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