Mimi Harris, star of Bring It! and Dianna, recently shaded her former co-star of the same shows, Selena Johnson, on the late night celebrity talk show Obsessed with Brandon Stewart.
Brandon TV's new talk show Obsessed is a fun-filled program with your favorite celebrities, and reality TV star Mimi Harris was on Episode 2 that dropped on August 7th.
During the hard topics segment of the show sponsored by Front Page Pop, Mimi Harris answered various, fast-paced and sometimes shady questions. One of which she was asked to rank the OG Dancing Dolls Parents (DDPs): herself, Tina Jones, Rittany Anderson, and Selena Johnson. In her answer, she threw some fun shade at Selena while ranking her last.
"Selena would be at the bottom because Selena is just here and there," Mimi hilariously motions. "We can't figure Selena out. I told you there's about 15 of her. We can't figure out which one we got that day," she shades.
But don't worry, it was all in jest as the two reality stars are reportedly friendly with each other. However, who knows if that could change as the host Brandon Stewart announced that BTV is in production of a new show staring the OG DDPs.
Phew... bring on the drama y'all! Subscribe to BTV to catch up with Mimi on Dianna the reunion special and watch new episodes of Obsessed every Wednesday.