Boy oh boy, this year has been unpredictable.

From a global pandemic to balancing a digital studio, I have had minimal time for rest. I mean I barely had time to grow my hair out like this...
Just kidding. It's a wig. But do I love it? Kinda.
I flew back to Kentucky for the holidays. I even brought my best friend, Joel. I always can count on having a great time here. My family is wonderful, and spending so much time with my mom always levels me out. I can be high-strung and sensitive, but there is something about my mom that helps balance me out.
So where do I start. Let's go back to the flight.
I typically fly Delta, but of course, I was late to the trigger booking my flight. I honestly didn't know if I was going to be allowed to fly during this second COVID-19 shutdown.
But thankfully, there was no trouble with travel. I flew Allegiant. Which is not my favorite airline, but they get the job done. When I fly with them, I have to be in the first few rows... isle seat. Their planes are tiny and I can be claustrophobic. I can be a diva, I know.
I took off and, of course, I had to bring my two widdle boys.
They are the cutest little guys ever. I mean just look at them. 🥺😍

My brothers were looking forward to meeting them. I'm not sure if I've talked much about my brothers, but I am a middle child. I have an older brother and a younger brother.
My older brother's name is Ryan. He works in sales for Liberty Mutual Insurance and has his own network marketing company. My youngest brother, Tyler, is a professional gamer. We are all so different.
Growing up we were athletes and now that we're older, we've chased different aspirations in life. I love them.
The flight went by so quick, because I slept. Some of the unscripted team at BTV and I were filming the last 3 days in LA. Talk about exhausting, but it's nothing new with my team. We work hard and get it done.
When I arrived in Kentucky, Joel and I were scooped by my momma.

She is literally one of the most incredible people in the world. She also works with Joel and I as one of the producers for the #1 competition short form series in America, Shine. Which by the way, drops its first teaser in just a few short days. Ah!
My mom is the kind of a superhero. She's always been one of my best friends. It doesn't matter if I needed to be accompanied on a 12 hour road trip for an American Idol audition, or needed help furnishing my first kitchen, she's done it all.
So, yeah. My trip here to Kentucky has been a breath of fresh air. Sometimes LA can be really draining, especially because I'm in work mode like 95% of the time. We celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. We have a tradition where we open gifts together, watch movies, play games and drink wine.

Since it was just my immediate family together this year, due to the pandemic, mom decided to cook steaks. Let me tell you! Wow was it good.
Speaking of Christmas time...
I know I mentioned in one of my last blogs about the re-released our Christmas short film, "A Christmas Dinner." If you haven't seen it, you must. It's cute and stars some of my really talented friends.
You can click the link below.
As I mentioned above, while rambling about why my mom is perfect, the heart of our BTV brand returns in 2021. 😊😁

Shine was our first series and is coming into its third season. We've been scouting, developing and promoting independent artists since 2017. I'm really proud of it.
Returning to the panel with me are two incredible mentors: Grammy Winner, Ashthon Jones, with rapper and A&R, 2'Live Bre.
This season is going to be sick.
The singers are on another level and so is the production value. Every year we take strides and learn along the way. I'm keeping my fingers crossed after our last season got syndication across 90+ outlets, including Facebook Watch, Apple TV, Roku and many more. This year we're expanding again.
I caught up on everyone's blogs this week. I'm glad everyone had a blast in Big Bear.
It's time for the TEA REPORT.
I know followers of ours and newcoming fans are already keeping up with these blogs because I'm getting questions about everyone... who's the diva and why don't everyone get along. Blah blah blah.
I'm getting several DMs and questions about Demetre.
Demetre and I are good. I've had several experiences with him that has caused me to take a step back and reevaluate the way he handles things. But all in all we're good. Now his perspective on what has become labeled for me as #Coscogate, is just a small example of his Demetre-isms. Without breathing much more life into negative energy on this show, you'll see how that plays out when the episodes air. It basically revolves around a list of items he wanted me to get before arriving to the cabin in Big Bear. I was relying on him and Roberto to handle apps and drinks each night. Easy peasy. When the list was sent to me, I thought it was just overflow items he couldn't grab...
No. It was the entire list of food, spices, liqueurs, garnishes, liquors and other speciality ingredients for cocktails (like Rose Water and infused blah blah). There were some stretched truths in Demetre's blog, and I'll just leave it at that. He can be Petty Betty. It was never stated that we would pick up everything they needed. I just mistakenly thought he would bring what he needed, since he told me days before he would handle it. Granted I should have peeked at the list before getting to Cosco the day of, but how was I supposed to anticipate he wanted me to get all the ingredients? To me that doesn't even make sense to put that all on one person? The kicker is when I got to the cabin he told me I should have "asked for help." 😑
So we decided to scratch the idea, and Roberto came to the rescue on Day 2 with a different cocktail that was equally as magical.

One thing you'll learn about me is I tell people like it is. That's why I've kept such strong relationships with everyone in this group and with many of my other friends outside of this show. I can be a little persistent with friends sometimes, but that's because I want everyone to be loyal. And real.
You know where you stand with me. Always. I think for all of us, we do our best to be the best versions of ourselves. We all just make our own mistakes along the way. The hardest part is not continuing to harp on it over and over again. True friends will move on, learn and grow with each other. No relationship is perfect, just as no person is perfect either.
That is why I say Demetre and I are good though. We're past #Coscogate, but if it's brought up again, the whole story will be told and not just bits and pieces. Call me captain truth seeker... cause a bitch will unveil the facts.
Tonight I'm getting ready for my New Year's party. It's a mixture between ringing the New Year in and celebrating my boy, Joel's birthday party. It's a two-in-one every year, and we've celebrated it in Kentucky the past 3 years. This will be numero quatro. We are only inviting a few of our closest friends. It should be pretty nice.
Last night we had a preliminary New Years party at my fairy godmother's house. Haha, his name is Brad. I used to call him my gay godfather, but he doesn't like the mafia reference. So apparently I'm Cinderella now. 🧚

Brad, Joel, Amy (another great friend of mine) and Joel all had a blast. Board games, drinking, catching up and wigs. Which takes me back to the picture at the beginning of this blog.

Yes, I lip-synced for my life. No it won't be on the show. I hope.
God bless everyone and have an incredible rest of your year. Let's make 2021 as special as we can and remember, spread smiles and stay true to you.
Keep reaching out. Keep staying up to date. Keep expressing your support. We are so blessed you're interested in us.
These blogs are so personal for me and my friends. And our series, #TheGetawayLA is going to be worth the journey. Blessings!
You're truly getting a peek behind the curtain of our personal and professional lives. It's not been easy, but I do hope it inspires and entertains along the way.
With love,