Happy New Year!

I'm going to apologize now while I get a bit sappy. 2020 was wild, wasn't it?
The world was turned on its head and we managed to make it through. As I sit here writing this, I think back to all the events that transpired and how much it has helped me grow. When I started the year, I did not think my best friend and I would be on the outs and currently not speaking. That in itself taught me how to speak when something is bothering me or just to speak up for myself more.
But... it also taught me that I need to value my friendships with people who are with me now.

I moved in with my boyfriend, Demetre in 2020. What a ride that has been. We quarantined together and now we are officially housemates. It has been fun navigating this newfound space, both physical and mental, with him. Our relationship continues to grow and we challenge each other to be better versions of ourselves.
Above all, I am happy with the person I am becoming. I have learned a lot about myself over the year. I have done some serious work to overcome myself and my past traumas. Every day is a new challenge that I welcome with open arms.
I am thankful for my family and friends who have really been my backbone. But, I am extremely grateful for Demetre. He has helped ground and inspire me.
As I look forward to 2021, I remind myself not to get stuck in my head and defeat myself before I start. This year I am welcoming new opportunities and allowing myself the space to grow along the journey. I am stepping away from alcohol (wish me luck) and completely pouring myself into my creative outlets. I plan to end this year with Good Food Gurus being bigger than we all can imagine right now. I plan on working hard and getting out there. I just hope COVID ends soon, so we can go back to a bit of normalcy. Whatever that even means now.

On a bit of a sad note, my cousin passed away from COVID a few days ago. This has been a huge blow to my family. This is another reminder of how short time is here. I am faced with not only my mortality, but that of my parents, siblings, and other family members. As one of the youngest in the family (minus grandbabies), I see everyone grow older and need more help. I see mobility begin to decline and sicknesses increase. I am fearful of the days of losing more family members. But, I am taking each moment to live and tell my family I love them.
On a crazy note, the Capitol building was stormed yesterday by Trump terrorists. Nothing was done. Had that been people of color... hell, if that was me, I would be dead right now.

This country is full of bigotry, hate and racism. Sometimes it's hard to see the people trying to make this a better place. Those who genuinely are trying to help their fellow man. I pray that we see some peace in 2021. That somehow we all band together and make this crazy life work.

If you stuck with me this far, thank you.
I want to end on a high note.
We are all doing so much right now. I am happy to see everyone working toward their businesses or taking on life. We are working so hard. I hope 2021 we all see success.
I hope we cheer each other on and help each other make it that much further. Life is too short for hatred, jealousy, etc. We have this one try at it. So, let's make it count.
Love you all. 'Till next time.